Boneyard Beach l
Boneyard Beach ll
Evening on Ossabaw
Jelly in Tidal Pool
Palmetto Trunk
Palms on Ossabaw
Resurrection Fern
Spanish Moss
Tidal Pool
Eric - Since many of us came away with similar images, I decided to process mine in black and white. I think that sometimes, when the subject we are photographing is colorful, looking at it with different eyes, with the color removed, reveals things about it that we might otherwise overlook. The old live oaks with their Spanish moss and the boneyard beach seem to cry out for black and white.
Thanks so much for a great weekend! - Margaret
When you take away the color we are left with graphic qualities and tools to work with. We photographers must have a feeling for using local contrast and the full tonal range from Zone 1 thru 10 to create our compositions. You have done a stellar job with this, especially (I think:))with "Boneyard Beach l", "Evening on Ossabaw","Palms on Ossabaw" & Palmetto Trunk. Thank you for sharing these and thinking outside the color box. Eric