Friday, August 27, 2010

Sept 2010 " Photo of the Month"

I made this image while boating in Archers Creek behind Parris Island, the US Marine Corps training grounds.  It is the featured photograph for September in my 2010 Lowcountry Calendar and you can view it and the rest of my picture galleries at Archers Creek is a restricted area and runs alongside the practice firing range. The sound of their weapons can often be heard while boating the neighboring waters.  Sunday is the only day when public passage from the Beaufort River to the Port Royal Sound is permitted. The azure sky, deep blue water, puffy white clouds and lush Spartina grasses this Sunday presented me with the essence of Lowcountry summertime that often draws photographers and other artists to this region.

Photo tip If you were to take one of your favorite landscape images from the pages of a magazine and analyze it, you would undoubtedly find a strong foreground and background and one or more tools used by the photographer or artist to move your eye from the former to the latter. These tools include leading lines (bold straight lines like the horizon, diagonals, or s-curves), light and dark contrasting areas, color changes, or various textures to name a few.  These tools are used to steer the viewer’s eye around the frame in some purposeful way. Personally I don’t want the viewers attention to leave the image, bored or wondering what was outside the frame over here or up there.  To accomplish this, there must be some order or balance of picture elements arranged in such a way as to hold the attention of the observer even for just a few seconds. This day provided me plenty of components. I decided to keep the horizon out of the middle of the frame to accentuate the sky and yet keep enough foreground water with reflections to lead the viewers’ eye into the image.  Please visit us online for more information on my photo tours, products and to see more images or read my blog.

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